
Moxibustion is an ancient technique of warming the acupuncture needle with the herb mugwort. The smouldering herb is placed on the end of the needle, creating a warmth that transfers down the needle and penetrates deeply into the surrounding areas, bringing a soothing feeling that relaxes the muscle and brings you a wonderful sense of relaxation and relief.

Sometimes moxibustion is used instead of acupuncture. The smouldering moxa stick is held a few inches away from specific acupuncture points. The heat radiates into the point, creating a relaxing effect and stimulating the body’s healing response. Other ways of applying moxibustion to acupoints include cones or grains that are burnt until heat is felt. Sometimes moxa cones may be placed on slices of ginger or other materials.

Moxibustion can be helpful to increase warmth, movement and energy at certain acupoints.


How can I find out more?

If you’d like to find out how moxibustion may help you to achieve your health goals, request your 15-minute Free Consultation and meet one of our practitioners to find out more.


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