

Acupuncture for menopause quality of life

Hot flushes, mood disturbance, night sweats, dryness, insomnia... Menopause can be much more than just the cessation of periods. We take a whole-person approach, combining acupuncture with integrated strategies to help you achieve your goals. Request your 15-minute Free Consultation to find out how we can help you.

IVF – what else should I be doing?

"What else should I be doing?" This is the #1 question that women ask us when they are doing IVF. Here's some of the advice that we give women when they ask us this question...

Breech Presentation

  Page update in progress…   Vaginal breech birth If you are considering a vaginal birth, you can contact the Breech Clinic at the Royal Hospital […]

The 6 Foundations of Feeling Great

Put your best foot forward with the 6 Foundations of Wellbeing...

Pre-birth acupuncture | Preparation for labour

Pre-birth acupuncture during the month before birth helps prepare your mind and body.

Dressing for warmth and vitality in Winter

Everyone needs to dress well in Winter, but especially if you get cold hands and feet. These tips will help your circulation and nourish your body's deepest energies. Staying warm in winter is a must if you're trying to conceive a baby!

Preventing sports injuries in Winter

Winter, according the Chinese, is a time to conserve our energy. The cold weather and long nights are designed to help us stay indoors and rest. This doesn’t mean we need to give up our usual exercising, but we should adjust our routines slightly to fit with the season.