Here are some common problems that lead people to get treatment.
Do you have any of these? Are you having enough water?
If not, then try gradually increasing your intake, and see how much you can improve your own health.
Always see your doctor about your physical symptoms, and check the suitability of any health suggestions for your unique situation before making changes.
There’s a saying in Chinese:
No flow… pain
Flow… no pain
In Chinese medicine, ultimately it is the Heart organ-energy-system that is involved, because Heart is related to consciousness, including perception of pain. When the flow of the body’s energy and processes can’t happen on time due to lack of water, then the Heart registers this slow movement as pain.
Many people who suffer from frequent tension headaches or migraines have figured out that becoming dehydrated is a major risk factor.
Medical researchers suggest that headaches associated with dehydration may be related to the state of the meninges – the membranes that surround and protect the brain.
If you have frequent headaches – and you’ve been checked out by your doctor – then having a good daily intake of water could help you a lot.
The relationship between water and reproductive hormones is complex. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone affect the way that your body uses sodium and water. They also interact with other hormone systems such as the stress hormones. Also, the liver and kidneys need to be functioning well in order to process and get rid of excess hormones.
To keep your hormones in balance, ensure you’re:
This helps your body to let go of excess fluid, salt, toxins and processed hormones at different stages of your cycle.
Skin problems can be simple or complex regarding causes – and therefore it varies what’s needed to fix them.
But the one constant is that if your body is not receiving enough water throughout the day, then some skin issues may become more stubborn. It can make treatment take longer and be more difficult.
Good hydration helps keep your skin supple and soft. Along with having plenty of sleep and eating fresh, unprocessed food, it’s the best beauty therapy around. It’s “anti-ageing” and gives you a glow!
The other benefit of having plenty of water is that your body can process and release toxins. This lifts the burden on your skin – the largest organ of the body. Skin needs to release sweat and produce oils to cool, cleanse and protect you.
One of the most common digestive symptoms associated with lack of water intake is constipation. The body can reclaim water from the large intestine to keep you in balance. If you’re not taking in enough water, then this source must be relied upon much more heavily, which means the material in the large intestine becomes drier. Drinking enough water means the body doesn’t have to take too much water from the large intestine, and you can flow on time.
Other digestive issues that may be related to imbalance of water intake and mineral imbalance include ulcers, gastritis and acid reflux.
With a steady inflow of water, your body can create enzymes and gastric juices, regulate the speed of flow of materials into and out of the body, and send water to vital areas of the body at the exact time that it’s needed. As with any other symptom, persistent problems or recent changes in digestive symptoms should always be assessed by your doctor.
If your body doesn’t have enough of what it needs at any time, then it will protect you by going to its Plan B, or Plan C, and so on.
As with the example of constipation above, taking more water from the large intestine is definitely Plan B. But because it’s more critical to have water flowing throughout the body than it is to have soft motions, your body will make this calculation. It will protect your deep vital processes by going to Plan B, therefore creating “symptoms” like constipation.
According to Chinese medicine, all of this calculation – “robbing Peter to pay Paul” – subverts your body’s innate intelligence, using up energy in juggling resources. Plan B also usually has a knock-on effect, like constipation, which the body’s intelligence now needs to try to remedy as well. The Heart registers this extra activity as irritability – or over the long term will register it as fatigue. According to Chinese medicine, fatigue is a signal to stop using energy during the activities of waking life, to enable resources to be marshalled where they are needed within.
If all nutrients – including water – are available at the right time, then the body can flow harmoniously, and the Heart experiences peace.
In this state of harmony, you can have more energy available to simply enjoy the present moment.
In all cases, if your water intake is currently low, then increase it gradually – for example by half to one cup per day, until you’re at 2-3 litres per day. This gives your kidneys and all organ systems the chance to adjust to your “new normal”.
If you have a medical condition such as congestive heart failure, kidney disease, orthostatic hypotension or other issues that involve water metabolism or blood volume control then please see your doctor for specific advice on managing your water intake – the standard recommendations should not be applied to people with certain medical conditions.
Next month we’re going to explore sleep – exploring why we sleep and how to get really nourishing sleep.
If you experience any of the issues mentioned above, please get in touch and find out how we can help you with a holistic treatment approach.