Third trimester


Holiday hours Dec 2022 – Jan 2023

Our last day is Thu 22nd Dec and we return Mon 9th Jan. Wishing you a peaceful and restorative holiday season!

FREE WORKSHOP – Birth Wisdom: Eastern Know-How for Birth and Beyond

Join us in this fun and informative interactive workshop. Gain skills and understanding for a better birth and nourishing recovery. For pregnant women and their birth-support partners. Sunday Aug 12th, 10:30-11:30am

Occiput posterior position

What is "occiput posterior" and what are your options?

Breech Presentation

  Page update in progress…   Vaginal breech birth If you are considering a vaginal birth, you can contact the Breech Clinic at the Royal Hospital […]

Third trimester – how your body position and posture help towards a smooth birth

In birth it’s all about position – for you and your baby. And certain yoga poses can make your birth faster and less painful. Article by Katie Brown, yoga teacher and doula.

Pre-birth acupuncture | Preparation for labour

Pre-birth acupuncture during the month before birth helps prepare your mind and body.