Upcoming Events


Birth Wisdom: Eastern Know-How for Birth and Beyond

Gain skills and understanding for a better birth and nourishing recovery – for pregnant women and their birth-support partners. One-hour interactive workshop includes acupressure training for birth partners plus plenty of tips and tricks for a more satisfying birth experience.

Relief from migraine and anxiety with traditional Chinese Medicine

A free talk and experiential learning workshop on how traditional Chinese medicine is used to relieve migraines and anxiety.

FREE WORKSHOP – Birth Wisdom: Eastern Know-How for Birth and Beyond

Join us in this fun and informative interactive workshop. Gain skills and understanding for a better birth and nourishing recovery. For pregnant women and their birth-support partners. Sunday Aug 12th, 10:30-11:30am

Pre-birth acupuncture | Preparation for labour

Pre-birth acupuncture during the month before birth helps prepare your mind and body.

Acupressure for headache

Whether you get the occasional headache or suffer from chronic or recurring headaches, you can benefit from simple acupressure techniques that you can apply at home.