

Acupuncture for morning sickness in pregnancy

"Morning sickness" refers nausea or vomiting in pregnancy - which may occur at any time of the day. It is usually worse during the first trimester, sometimes extending into second trimester. Chinese medicine sees pregnancy as an altered state, and special requirements for the mother and baby need to be accounted for during this time.

Sperm counts, male fertility and men’s health

You may have heard that sperm counts have been declining in Westernised countries over the past several decades - it could be as high as 50-60%. The links between sperm test results, men's health and fertility are complex. Are there steps that men can take to improve their health in this area?

Recovering from miscarriage

Shock, grief and trauma are common responses to pregnancy loss. Recovery involves consciously tending to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.

Caring for your wellbeing in pregnancy

Pregnancy can be very physically taxing. When you feel tired, this is a sign from your body's intelligence to stop investing energy "out there" and to slow down, close your eyes and allow energy to flow within. A regular acupuncture session during pregnancy can help you to connect to your Centre within, encouraging restoration and a state of calm.