Take these simple steps to ward off colds and flu and stay healthy in the cooler months.
According to Chinese medicine, colds and flu happen when “wind” penetrates our body’s exterior defences. Autumn is a time of changing weather – we might dress lightly on a warm sunny morning, only to get caught out with chilly winds in the afternoon. Carry an extra layer to protect you from the changing elements, to give your body the protection it needs.
The area most vulnerable to “wind” attack is the back of your neck. Prevent wind attack by always wearing a scarf when you’re out and about. This trick is so easy to do, but very effective! Natural fibres like wool, cotton, silk or hemp keep you cosy and warm without sweating.
If you do get caught in the wind, apply a heat pack to the back of your neck when you get home, to “warm the channels” and prevent health problems from occurring.
Try some ginseng tea to give your energy a lift. Ginseng has been scientifically shown to help your body adapt to stress and has been a valuable herb in Asia for thousands of years. If you’re not sure whether Ginseng is right for you, give us a quick call on 9938 2182 to find out.
If you are susceptible to colds and flu, you might need some herbal energy armour to get your body’s resistance into shape! “Jade screen” classical herbal formula was constructed to provide an energy shield for bodies that are weakened against attack. Call us on 9938 2182 to see if “Jade screen” formula is suited to your individual constitution.
During the hot months of summer, we tend to eat light foods like fruit and salad. When the weather cools down, we need warming foods to help us to keep our energy shields working against invasions of cold and flu.
Raw vegetables aren’t suitable in cool weather. Instead, try steaming, roasting and stir-frying vegetables to give your body warmth and energy.
Soups are a great way to concentrate the goodness of vegetables and, if desired, meat or poultry. For a super boost to your energy shield, try cooking your soup stock with special medicinal herbs that are also really tasty! Call us on 9938 2182 to find out about energy-boosting herbal soup packs.
Sometimes cold and flu can penetrate our defences. At the very first sign of a cold, follow these steps to ensure you bounce back as soon as you can:
1. Rest
Often the very first sign of impending illness is tiredness. Listen to your body and take a “health day” straight away to rest and recover.
2. Sweat a little
According to Chinese medicine, in the early stages the cold is still in the exterior of your body. Have a warm bath or shower and then rug up in warm clothes and blankets. Drink hot fluids. If you can sweat a little, then you can help your body expel the bug.
3. Herbs to the rescue
Cold-type colds and flu present with headache and runny nose that is clear. Use warming herbal teas like Ginger and Cinnamon to warm and push the cold out of your body.
Hot-type “colds” and flu start with a sore throat and sometimes fever with blocked nose that is yellow. Use Peppermint tea to cool the heat and lightly sweat out the wind attack.
4. Home herbal “first aid” kit
For even greater effectiveness, you can add a home herbal “first aid” kit to your arsenal against cold weather bugs. A basic kit contains one herbal medicine formula for cold-type and one formula for hot-type colds. Then you can add a herbal cough syrup, plus a formula for nausea and vomiting. Imagine being able to help yourself as soon as illness strikes, with natural support.
5. Professional advice
The above steps may save you from falling prey to cold weather viruses. However, if you need support then call us for an individualised herbal formula and acupuncture treatment that is matched to exactly what your body needs.