Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is all about healthy flow.
- Blood flow to organs and muscles
- Fluids generating and flowing at the right time
- Flow of emotions being flexible according to life’s challenges
- Flowing our body rhythms with the cycles of nature
- Steady flow of elimination so that toxins can leave the body
When we assess someone for back pain with Chinese Medicine theory, there can be different causes. We combine all our findings into a “pattern picture”. From the “pattern picture”, we create a treatment plan.
One of the “pattern pictures” associated with back pain is connected with blocked flow of toxicity (called Dampness in Chinese Medicine).
If the body can’t expel toxicity, it needs to store it away from circulation. If it can no longer store it, then it has to use energy to try to keep it away from the vital organs. This is when we can see symptoms that might be called inflammation in conventional medicine.
Sometimes for people with this “pattern picture”, the toxicity is because of poor digestion (in integrative medicine this can be similar to “leaky gut”). For other people, it might be due to poor elimination. Because acupuncture uses channels as a way of understanding flow, there could be further reasons for channels to be blocked and affected by toxicity.
Each person is an individual in Chinese Medicine. We create a bespoke treatment plan to address each person’s current condition. The treatment plan is about supporting the body to heal.
Pain relief is only part of it. We want you feeling better, ALL of you!