Porridge is my winter morning comfort and I’ve realised it can be so much more than just oats and water!
This recipe was developed as I’m always looking to reduce inflammation in my system and this porridge is a wonderful golden way to start the day so that your system stays warm, your tummy is calm, and your digestion is easy. It’s also good for joint pain!
Serves 2
1 cup oats/ soaked buckwheat/ soaked millet (soaked overnight is best!) or gluten-free flakes
500 ml almond or coconut milk
Knob of butter or coconut oil
1 banana mashed
1 handful frozen blueberries or berries of your choice
1 Tblspn nut butter
¼ cup anti-inflammatory Golden Juice (turmeric, ginger, lemon black pepper – see recipe below)
Combine in a blender or nutri-bullet:
1 knob fresh turmeric (or a teaspoon turmeric powder)
1 thumb sized piece of ginger peeled
½ lemon, skin removed
2 cups lukewarm water
½ teaspoon coconut oil
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
(You can keep the left-over juice for 3-4 days in your fridge and add to your warm morning water)
YUM! And good for the TUM!