“Working” vs “back pain” – does it need to be an either/or?
Some people get frustrated or deflated with long term back pain, when it seems they can’t work any more.
Loss of self esteem, loss of identity, social connections… there’s a lot at stake (besides the income).
It can sometimes make some people feel like they’re becoming less of who they really are.
So right now, maybe it looks like this:
It’s like an either/or, and the back pain seems like it’s ruling the show.
What part of working life can you be experiencing right now, even if you’re not “at work” as you were before?
Here are some ideas to consider:
Or maybe there’s some time and space to volunteer for something you care about, or to surprise or stretch yourself?
There’s more to “work” than “having a job” – the bigger picture is about what you love to do, and how you bring it to the world.
Don’t let back pain stop you from sharing your light.
If you’d love to have support in getting back into the world while you recover from chronic pain, then we’d love to help you.
Acupuncture is a wonderful treatment for pain relief. And genuine Chinese Medicine acupuncture can address deeper layers, so that you can release stress and find more inner wellbeing, all while addressing the pain.
Book your first appointment and let us take care of the rest. We look forward to supporting your healing.