When people come to us seeking acupuncture for their lower back pain, they often don’t realise what else can be going on in their body, “behind the scenes”.
Something that’s often overlooked is the impact of the deep core muscle called the psoas.
This muscle connects deeply in the hips and can be very difficult to access, difficult to “stretch” it out.
As a result, it can often carry subconscious tension – but you might not notice any obvious symptoms.
Back pain can be connected to tension held in the psoas (and in Chinese Medicine we have our own way of describing this connection – we talk about channels, pathways and organs).
Teaching you how to release the psoas can be part of our treatment plan for your lower back pain – if it’s relevant to your condition.
Psoas releases are deeply relaxing – releasing tension you’ve been holding, without even realising it.
Psoas releases are nice homework!
Book your initial appointment to start your healing path with us, and we’ll take care of the rest. We look forward to bringing you pain relief plus deep relaxation!