In January, we took a fresh approach to welcoming the New Year. The final step was to make some meaningful promises to yourself in preparation for the year to come.
Now we’re going to spend the month of February consciously creating, transforming those promises into action.
We will focus on meaningful change in the area of health, but you can use this process to consciously create new experiences and growth in whatever area you choose.
(Why make such an effort to focus on change? Well, in the area of health, as with the rest of life, if change were that easy then we’d already be doing it!)
This week is an overview of the process, then during the rest of the month we will explore the steps in more detail.
The process is: Recognising -> Accepting -> Sorting -> Releasing -> Listening to the heart -> Taking action.
Starting next week we will go through these steps in detail, using examples to see how it all fits together.
This step is like taking an inventory. Just notice how things are, right now. Without judgement, without guilt. Simply see how the current situation is.
Accepting is the partner step to Recognising. As we’ll see next week, these steps actually enhance each other, but we can separate them out to receive the gifts of working with each one.
Having taken an honest inventory of the current situation, now it’s so much easier to sort through the various parts of the issue to identify what is working and what needs to change.
This step can be so liberating. In regards to health, a lot of the time we know what we “should” be doing, and those “shoulds” can start to become pretty heavy.
This step helps to identify exactly what you can let go of. This liberates your energy to be able to create change that is actually meaningful for you.
Listening to the heart
The next step involves tuning in to the little voice within. This little voice is your truth and it knows what’s best for you. We will look at how to tune in, and how to strengthen that connection so that you start to trust your own judgement more and more.
Taking action
You’ve taken an honest inventory of your current situation, you’ve sorted it and released the heavy and unnecessary energy, and you’ve listened within to what’s really important to you. Now it’s time to make a move!
In the final week of this series you’ll learn why even the tiniest step forward produces massive benefit, so stay tuned!
See you next week!
Change can be fun. Really! Next week we’ll start the process and you get to play along!
Until next week, spend some time daydreaming, journaling or doodling about what you may be ready to create or change in your life. No-one is watching, no-one will hold you to it – for now, simply enjoy letting yourself open up to the possibilities.