One of the most important questions that we ask a patient with back pain:
“When the pain started, what was going on in your life at the time?”
The exploration of the answer will often show gold nuggets that are the key to unravelling the pain.
Acupuncture is a system of channels and pathways that help the body to process the challenges of living.
Certain channels step in at certain times, or in certain events, to bring a tailored response to the challenge at hand.
If the channel gets stuck or overwhelmed, then it doesn’t have a chance to get back to it’s flowing, normal condition.
This can lead to a range of problems, including pain.
Part of freeing the channels involves releasing the stuck association to past challenges. To free the past, and move into the present moment.
This doesn’t require a lot of talking about problems. Just noticing connnections is extremely powerful medicine for the body-mind system.
In Western culture we now understand that “stress” is so intertwined with a huge range of health experiences.
Acupuncture pathways are a detailed and subtle map of this relationship. Working gently in this way opens the door to profound healing and a fresh outlook.
If this way of working has sparked your curiosity, that’s all you need to get started. We can guide you gently to where you want to go.