When you have back pain, you’ll often go through a range of tests.
Sometimes people can end up with test results from many different sources – ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs and blood work (to name a few). Plus physical exams from physios, chiros, osteos, specialists or surgeons.
This can lead to a jumble of findings. Sometimes it looks clear.
People can have a lot of pain but the tests are “normal”. Or tests may come back with mixed results, or inconclusive findings.
Often what the patient is really wanting is certainty. “Give me a diagnosis, so I know that this isn’t all in my head. And having a diagnosis means I can do my own searching, to try and find some answers.”
The good news about acupuncture (and the whole of Chinese Medicine practice) is that we don’t need any of these test results.
We have a completely separate framework for talking about:
- health and illness
- how the body works
- how humans connect with nature; and
- what happens when things go wrong.
So – even if your test results don’t make sense to you, that is not a problem for us.
We can help you improve your health and we can address your pain, through our whole-health system.
If you’re struggling with back pain and feel like your recovery is “on hold” until the test results make some sense, then you don’t have to wait any longer.
You can start your healing path with us, and address those other issues separately with your other providers.